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Myopia management refers to various methods that eye doctors use to slow down the progression of myopia in children to keep it from getting worse quickly. 



Myopia, also called nearsightedness or shortsightedness, causes blurred distance vision because light focuses in front of the retina of the eye. While it is a common refractive error in adults, the occurrence of myopia in children is becoming a growing concern worldwide.


Progressive myopia, also referred to as early onset myopia or juvenile myopia, is shortsightedness in children that worsens rapidly year after year because the eye continues to grow longer than it should at a certain age. If not managed, this can develop into high myopia – a severe form of shortsightedness that can lead to serious complications later in life.


The reason you as a parent should be concerned about your children having or developing myopia, is that it puts them at a much greater risk of developing serious eye health issues when they are adults. Acting early and managing myopia progression dramatically reduces the risk of eye diseases and the possibility of blindness that is associated with high myopia.

Children Running


Is your little one shortsighted or showing signs of myopia?

Kid's Playing Outdoor


Are you noticing behavioural changes that might be linked to vision?

Image by Robert Collins


Are you concerned about their eye health in the long run?


Managing progressive myopia in children early on can help avoid serious vision issues later in life. Realising your child’s eyesight isn’t what it should be can be daunting for any parent. We’re here to help you manage and preserve your child’s visual health now and in future. Before looking into solutions, let’s start with a basic understanding of myopia in children.


Kids Using Digital Tablet


Can screen time cause myopia? Yes. Increased near work such as intense activity with digital devices or books likely contributes to the growing prevalence of myopia in kids

Image by Nathan Dumlao


Children of myopic parents are more likely to become nearsighted. One myopic parent doubles the risk for future myopia, while two myopic parents increase the risk upto more than five times.

Girl on a Rainy Day


Evidence suggests that a lack of natural light and not enough time outdoors may contribute to myopia progression


Although there is currently no cure for myopia, regular eye tests at Openshaw Optical will help us to monitor your vision and overall eye health and, based on the results, allow us to make recommendations for the best eyecare for you and your family. Our team has extensive experience in myopia management and can advise whether your child is suitable to be treated. Every child is different and each treatment is tailored to suit both the child and the type of correction that needs to be managed.

There are a number of products available to manage myopia. We have included our recommended options below, for you to explore. 


MyoCare® lenses with ZEISS C.A.R.E technology.

ZEISS MyoCare is the latest myopia management innovation, incorporating scientific concepts from proven research, evidence-based learnings and effective treatments.

ZEISS MyoCare and MyoCare S lenses feature patented Cylindrical Annular Refractive Elements to slow down the elongation of the eyeball while delivering good, comfortable vision. Which of the two is the best lens for your child will depend on their age and eyes.

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MiSight® 1 Day Contact lenses

Child-friendly daily disposable contact lenses proven to slow the progression of short-sightedness in children.


Children lead active, jam-packed lives. But whether they’re playing pretend, riding bikes with their friends, or learning new things at school, myopia (short-sightedness) can make it harder for them to engage in the activities they love. And as they grow, their prescription may get stronger too.


Fortunately, your child may be able to benefit from an innovative technology to help make his or her life easier and help slow down the progression of their myopia, MiSight® 1 day contact lenses from CooperVision.

MiSight® 1 day with ActivControl® Technology not only correct short-sightedness—they’re also the first soft contact lenses proven to significantly reduce the progression of myopia in children. When wearing MiSight® 1 day contact lenses, your child can experience clear vision, freedom from glasses and continue to enjoy the activities they love.

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Correct and slows the progression of short-sightedness in children by 59%, utilising special ActivControl® Technology.

The confident choice for your child. Of children aged 8-15, who had never worn contact lenses before:

  • 90% of children said they preferred wearing their MiSight® 1 day contact lenses over wearing their glasses.

  • 90% of children were able to insert and remove MiSight® 1 day lenses on their own.

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Child-friendly, soft contact lenses that are easy-to-use.

Convenient daily disposable contact lenses—no need to clean or store them. Just disgard after use.



Monday: 9:00am -17:30pm

Tuesday: 9:00am - 17:30pm

Wednesday: 9:00am - 17:30pm

Thursday: 9:00am - 17:30pm

Friday: 9:00am - 17:30pm

Saturday: CLOSED

Sunday: CLOSED


1311 Ashton Old Road, Openshaw, Manchester, M11 1JS

Mobile: 07311618818

Telephone: 0161 370 1800


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