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Hycosan Extra Dry Eye Drops - 7.5ml


Hycosan Extra provides long-lasting relief for dry eyes, helping to reduce discomfort and irritation. It is ideal for those with moderate to severe dry eye symptoms, providing extra strength to combat dryness.

Unique Formulation:

  • Hycosan Extra contains a unique formulation of sodium hyaluronate and ectoine, two key ingredients that work together to provide effective relief.

  • Sodium hyaluronate is a natural lubricant that helps to keep the eyes moist, while ectoine is a naturally occurring molecule that protects and repairs the eyes.

Easy to Use:

  • Hycosan Extra comes with an easy-to-use dropper that makes it simple to apply the eye drops.

  • Simply tilt your head back and place one or two drops in each eye, as needed.

Safe for Contact Lenses:

  • Hycosan Extra is safe to use with contact lenses, making it a convenient choice for those who wear contacts.

  • It can be used before inserting contacts or during the day as needed.

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